
Health Ministry to review strategy for tracking confidential contacts, may abolish MySejahtera registration!


The Ministry of Health is reviewing its strategy for tracking close contacts of coronary artery disease, and the government may abolish the MySejahtera registry.


According to a message from Health Minister Kerry, the government will review its strategy for tracking close contacts, and instead of manually tracking close contacts in detail, the government will rely on technology to track close contacts.


The Ministry of Health is now mainly through MySejahtera MyTrace function to track close contacts, people are urged to open MyTrace function when in public. Carey noted that the Ministry of Health will discuss with public health experts and will have a new announcement within two months.


The country will open its borders on April 1, and those who have completed vaccinations will be exempt from mandatory quarantine measures when entering the country. With the crown disease epidemic already in the community, coupled with the fact that most of those diagnosed are mildly and asymptomatically infected, there is now little utility in using MySejahtera to find close contacts.


With the relaxation of control measures, do you think it is still necessary for the government to continue to ask people to scan MySejahtera?

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