China Press said that a video of a man holding a Malay woman kidnapped while holding a knife to her back went across social media platforms. He moved forward to clear the area but nearly took a knife to the throat.
The clever man was forced to continue chatting with the man holding the knife in order to get his attention, but he never took his eyes off the weapon. Then, as the person holding the knife was turning to the other side, the clever man slowly moved closer. At that precise moment, he aimed and used “Empty Hands to Grab the White Blade” to save the woman!
The speedy woman snatched up the knife and quickly threw it outside the shop. They finally forced the man into submission by working together with everyone’s help. They worked together well, it may be said! They thought they were seeing a martial arts movie while this scene was truly happening! It is believed that the incident occurred on the 18th of this month at a car dealership in Beranang, Semenyih, Semenyih, at around 10:35 am. However, the police are still silent.