
Having been vaccinated abroad, you can submit documents through MySejahtera Helpdesk to obtain an e-certificate of MySejahtera vaccination.


Having been vaccinated abroad, you can submit documents through MySejahtera Helpdesk to obtain an e-certificate of MySejahtera vaccination.

According to a message from Jawatankuasa Khas Jaminan Akses Bekalan Vaksin (JKJAV), those who have completed vaccination abroad can submit documents at MySejahtera to obtain the E-cert of MySejahtera.

Go to the Helpdesk at MySejahtera, Then choose N, Saya Telah Divaksin di Luar Negara Dan Ingin Mendapatkan Sijil Vaksinasi Digital di MySejahtera. The second step is to enter information such as a phone number and email and then choose whether to renew the first, second or two doses of vaccine. Finally, users need to upload proof of vaccination abroad, such as a vaccine card or form.

Upon receipt of a user’s application, the authority will examine and check the authenticity of the documents. If all goes well, the e-certificate of the MySejahtera vaccination will be issued in a short time.

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