Pay attention to friends who often take Grab! Grab will only provide services for people with low-risk or accidental contact status in MySejahtera, and the new policy will take effect from September 14th.
In order to create a safe ride service, Grab will implement a new policy from September 14th. Grab drivers and passengers must be Low Risk No Symptom or Casual Contact No Symptoms. Both drivers and passengers have the right to request to check each other’s MySejahtera status.

The driver can ask the passengers to show the health status of MySejahtera before carrying passengers. If the passenger is found to be at high risk or does not have MySejahtera, the driver has the right to cancel the order.
Passengers can also ask the driver to show the health status of MySejahtera when riding. If they find that the driver is a high-risk person or does not have MySejahtera, passengers have the right to cancel the order.
So far, Grab only requires drivers or passengers to be in a low-risk state, while Grab has not required drivers and passengers to be vaccinated.