A good night’s sleep can boost our body’s immunity and health. Without quality sleep, the T-cells in our body that manage immune function will become weaker! So, let’s learn together! What can we do to improve our sleep quality and immunity?

Get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep
Sleep is not just for rest, but also for repairing or optimizing your body. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can lead to lower immune function, especially if you only get 3 to 5 hours of sleep, which is very bad for immune function.
Wake up at the same time every morning
Lack of sleep can affect immune function and make life irregular. For example, if you need to wake up early from Monday to Friday for work but sleep late on the weekend, this can cause your body to experience “social jet lag”, just like when you travel abroad and your body is unable to adjust because of jet lag.

Don’t think too much when you go to bed
Some people lie in bed at night and sleep, but have a lot of worries and things to think about. Try not to think too much when you go to bed and be able to leave things for tomorrow.
Comfortable humidity and temperature
Comfortable environment is also important for sleep, if the temperature is a little high during the day, then it is difficult to fall asleep, so keep the bedroom environment comfortable humidity and temperature to help sleep.