
Going Out Without An ID Card Can Be Fined Up To RM20,000 Or Imprisoned!


Do not forget to always bring along your ID card when you go out! Otherwise, you may face up to RM20,000 fine or imprisoned up to 3 years!

Going out without a Malaysian ID card may violate Article 25(1)(n) of the Malaysian National Registration Authority Act 1990. Under this provision, violators can be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 3 years or fined not more than RM20,000 or both.

According to Sin Chew Daily Sibu edition, a young man in Sibu, Sawarak was found by the police without an ID card on 12th September 2016. He was then charged in court. The man pleaded guilty and was sentenced a RM1,000 fine by the judge. However, he could not pay the fine and was jailed for one month instead.

Another case occurred to a homeless man on April 3th, 2019. He was unable to present a valid ID card to the law enforcement officers and was fined RM1,200 by the court. However, the homeless man could not pay the fine as well and had to be imprisoned for one month.

In order to avoid such unfortunate event, please remember to always carry your ID card with you whenever you go!

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