
Get RM6.60 MYDIN cash voucher by spending Rm50 on fuel at any Petronas!


Get RM6.60 MYDIN cash voucher for every RM50 spent on fuel at Petronas with Setel, equivalent to 13.20% rebate.

Petronas and MYDIN have teamed up to offer a promotion where you can get a cash voucher upon spending a specified amount. This offer runs from August 17 to October 17, 2023.

Whenever you spend RM50 or more on Setel lighter at Petronas, you’ll get RM6.60 in MYDIN cash vouchers. Or if you spend RM120 or more at MYDIN and checkout with Setel, you will get RM6.60 Setel cash voucher.

If you are using Setel to spend RM50 or more at Petronas, you will be able to go to the Rewards page of the Setel APP and you will see the MYDIN cash voucher, all you need to do is click on it to claim it. Present the voucher at your next visit to MYDIN to save RM6.60.

As for when you spend RM120 or above at MYDIN and checkout with Setel, there will be a Setel Cash Coupon recharge code on the receipt, you can open the Setel APP, choose to recharge with the cash coupon, and then enter the recharge code, you will get RM6.60.

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