
Geminid meteor shower on December 14, 150 meteors per hour to be seen!


For those who like photography or astronomy, there will be a meteor shower on the night of December 14, and 150 meteors are expected to cross the sky every hour. Remember to prepare a small stool, get your camera ready, and meet up with friends in a place without light hazards.


The Geminid meteor shower is an annual event, and is one of the most visible meteor showers of the year, from early to mid-December.


Photographers and astronomy enthusiasts can look up at the night sky on December 14, when 150 meteors are expected to cross the sky every hour. 14 December is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar, and the first half of the night will be disturbed by moonlight, so only in the second half of the night will you have the chance to watch the gorgeous meteor shower.


For safety reasons, remember to travel in groups rather than alone when visiting remote areas to view the meteor shower.


There will also be a comet flying over the Earth in December. Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard), discovered earlier this year, will be closest to Earth on December 12; it should be easily seen by observers with small telescopes or binoculars, and if you are lucky, it will be visible with naked eyes in a place free from light hazards, according to Wang Yumin, an expert from Beijing Ancient Observatory.

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