Great prizes are ready to be won if you save SSPN for a child born in 2022!
In order to encourage parents to open savings accounts for their kids, PTPTN has once again started the annual raffle SSPN Plus Cabutan WOW 2022 in connection with the National Higher Education Foundation’s (PTPTN) 25th Anniversary. Three categories—Cabutan Siri, Cabutan Tahunan, and Cabutan Khas Babyku Simpan—are included in this year’s lucky draw!
Cabutan Siri
Each quarter’s 25 cash prizes total RM2,525 and are distributed among three quarterly draws.
Q1: 1/4/2022 – 30/6/2022
Q2: 1/7/2022 – 30/9/2022
Q3: 1/10/2022 – 31/12/2022
Cabutan Tahunan Jubli Perak
Grand Prize: Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line x 1
2nd Prize: Cash RM100,000 X 1
3rd Prize: Cash RM50,000 X 1
Consolation Prize: Motorcycle Honda Dash 125 x 22
Cabutan Khas Babyku Simpan
This year’s award is brand-new. A chance to win one of 250 cash prizes worth RM1,000 is available to anybody who establishes an SSPN account for a kid born in 2022. Participation is quite easy; no forms are required, and for every RM50 invested, the SSPN Prime account will automatically receive one fortunate draw opportunity, while the SSPN Plus account will immediately receive two lucky draw opportunities. The amount of lucky draw opportunities is unlimited, and the more you save, the better your chances are! Anyone who hasn’t yet set up an account for their kids should do so right away!
SSPN Prime
a. Like ordinary bank savings accounts, there is no limit on deposits.
b. Savings are 100% guaranteed by the government.
c. Attractive dividends
e. Tax rebate up to RM8000.
SSPN Plus (savings RM8000, life insurance RM3000)
b. Eligible to apply for higher education fund loans, children must open an SSPN saving account if they want to borrow PTPTN in the future!
c. 24 small insurance coverage around the world, 36 serious diseases are covered, and no medical examination is required.
d. Hospital Treatment Allowance.
g. Profitable dividends
f. Deposits are 100% guaranteed by the government.
g. Death benefits
h. Take part in Cabutan Wow Lucky Draw
Lack of self-discipline and exposure to illness and accidents are the main concerns when saving. I think many parents lack the self-control to save if there is no compulsion. SSPN Plus helps parents establish a regular saving routine so they can achieve their goals. Depending on their financial situation, parents can choose a monthly fixed deposit of RM30, RM50, RM100, RM200, RM300, or RM500.
The purpose of SSPN Plus’ insurance coverage is to safeguard the parents. The child will still be entitled to insurance compensation, hospital allowances, and the death of the family in the event of an accident during the child’s development, regardless of whether the parents pass away, suffer a permanent disability, or contract one of 36 serious diseases that render them incapable of working. Future living and educational costs are covered by the pension. Parents can close the account at any time to withdraw the deposit in SSPN or part of the deposit after three years in SSPN Plus, which has no age restriction.
Account opening conditions
Accounts for children between the ages of one and 29 can be opened by Malaysian residents with parents who are 18 to 64. You cannot be poor in education, no matter how impoverished you are. The best education for children is the parent’s responsibility. If their kids don’t succeed in getting scholarships or jobs, they can utilise the cash to help them establish businesses or save for retirement.
How do I create an account?
In the age of electronic banking, it is incredibly convenient and time-saving for parents to register an account for their kids online!
Visit this link to create an account: ptptn gov my
Here is a link to further information: