People affected by the floods can apply for RM1000 aid!
According to the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA), people affected by the floods are eligible to receive RM1000. Whether you have relocated to a temporary evacuation center or are still living in your home, you can apply for RM1000.
The National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) is an agency of the Prime Minister’s Department and all families affected by natural disasters are eligible for RM1000 (Bantuan Wang Ihasan), including those affected by the Selangor floods. Families of those who died in the floods are entitled to RM5000.
If you were relocated to a temporary evacuation center during the floods, you will need to apply for assistance from the Social Welfare Department (Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat). For those who were affected by the floods but stayed in their homes, you need to apply for assistance from the Community Office (JPKK / Ketua Kominiti).
The application requirements for the grant are as follows
1. must be a holder of a IC
2. must be a disaster victim
3. the house must be registered in a private’s name
4. must be registered in the name of the head of the family (KIR)
5. must be registered in real name