
Federal highways and interstates lower speed limits!


Attention! Speed limits will be reduced on federal and interstate highways.


Around the holiday season, long lines of traffic appear on the nation’s thoroughfares, and this is also the season with the highest number of crashes. In order to reduce the accident rate, the speed limit will be reduced on federal highways and interstate highways.


According to the Land Transportation Department (JPJ), the speed limits on federal highways and interstates will be adjusted to coincide with the Lunar New Year. The adjustment will take place from Jan. 25 to Feb. 8, 2022.


The speed limit will be 80 miles per hour on federal highways and 70 miles per hour on interstate highways. Heavy vehicles will not be allowed on the roads around the Lunar New Year. This adjustment is intended to reduce the rate of highway crashes, especially fatal crashes.


Federal highways are generally defined as those built by the central government and do not charge tolls.

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