Even eco-shops can’t resist the pressure of inflation! eco-shop has raised prices twice in six months!
According to the notice posted in eco-shop’s low-cost goods chain, the prices of goods in eco-shop stores will be increased by 20 sen per item from June 1, 2022.
The price of products in the West Malaysia branch will increase from RM2.20 to RM2.40, compared to RM2.10 to RM2.20 from December 1 last year. eco-shop’s price increase of 10 sen to 20 sen is acceptable when compared to other products.
eco-shop is a chain of stores that sells low cost household products such as snacks, cookies, drinks, brooms, dishes, cutlery, dry batteries, water bottles, hair accessories, stationery, toys and plastic products. eco-shop has about 200 outlets throughout Malaysia.
Eco-shop also has an online store on Shopee, so you can visit Shopee ecoshop to buy.