When it comes to eliminating belly fat, the best fruit choice is the banana. Because it has a lower GI (glycemic index) than other fruits and is rich in natural fiber, it can make you feel full, but at the same time contains very little fat, it is also rich in vitamins, minerals and energy. So, here are the 4 main reasons why it really helps to reduce belly fat.
1.Increase probiotics in the intestinal system
To reduce belly fat, you must first keep your intestinal system healthy. And banana can introduce beneficial bacteria to the intestinal tract, it contains good prebiotic fiber, which can enhance the number of bifidobacteria in the intestinal system, and having enough bifidobacteria can help reduce weight and improve the body’s metabolism.

2.Reduce the desire for sweets
For those who like dessert after meals, eating bananas can reduce the desire for sweets because the magnesium contained in bananas can help prevent the desire for sweets.
3.Natural fiber
Bananas keep you feeling full so you don’t feel hungry, And so you can reduce your intake of extra calories.

4.Improves insulin sensitivity
Bananas contain some sugar, but for healthy people without diabetes, it is one of the nutrients needed to lose belly fat. Improving insulin sensitivity can be effective in helping to process glucose, so you can achieve weight loss.
5.Improves the efficiency of exercise
You can eat a banana before exercising so that you will not feel hungry during exercise, and it will also provide energy and improve the efficiency of exercise.

These are the reasons why bananas can bring about a reduction in belly fat. But watch out! Dun take too much banana~