
Do you owe DBKL a ticket, DBKL is offering a discount on tickets as low as RM10 !!


Have you ever defaulted on a DBKL ticket?


In line with the Federal Territory Day and the Golden Jubilee of Kuala Lumpur’s 50th anniversary as a major city, the Kuala Lumpur City Council (KLCC) is offering a ticket discount from now until 30 June 2022, according to an announcement issued by the KLCC.


KLMC has divided the traffic tickets into 3 groups, which are 1 to 7 days, 8 to 30 days and more than 30 days after receiving the ticket. If you pay the ticket within the first 7 days of receiving the ticket, then you will be entitled to a lower ticket amount.


Motorcycle owners are only required to pay RM10 for all traffic tickets and RM15 for cars and small roly-poly for tickets paid within 1 to 7 days and RM20 for tickets paid more than 8 days. For Bus and Large Rory, you only need to pay RM15 for the first 7 days to clear the ticket and RM50 for more than 8 days to clear the ticket.


In addition to traffic tickets, discounts are also available for tickets received for operating without a license, obstructing a public place, or polluting the environment.


Attention! Discounts are not available for tickets that are charged to court or blacklisted.


There are 4 ways to pay your outstanding DBKL tickets, namely through DBKL counters, POS counters, using Jompay and through the MOBIS-DBKL APP.

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