
Despite expensive plane tickets, students in higher education institutions are eager to return and vote.


Despite expensive plane tickets, students in IPTs are eager to return and vote.

Most students from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak do not mind flying hundreds of kilometres to vote in the 15th General Election as first-time voters (GE15).

Not willing to forfeit the benefit of the five-day leave granted to students at higher education institutions (IPTs), they are anxious to fly home to vote for the candidate and party of their choice, despite limits such as expensive aeroplane ticket prices.

According to Election Commission records, as of October 9, for GE15, there were 1,393,549 registered voters aged 18 to 20, and 4,614,429 voters aged 21 to 29.

The EC has set the GE15 election day for November 19, nominations for candidates on November 5, and early voting on November 15.

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