
Could healthcare professionals benefit from owning pets?


The healthcare sector is increasingly integrating animals into treatment protocols for patients with a variety of ailments. But until now, there’s been little interest in their effects on caregivers when it comes to scientific publications.

A recent study shows that paramedical professionals benefit from interacting with animals on a daily basis. A Chinese research team came to this conclusion after conducting an investigation with 1,309 nurses aged between 18 and 59.

A study of healthcare professionals found that pet ownership positively impacts self-compassion among caregivers. Pet owners showed higher levels of self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness compared to non-pet owners. This finding is significant as self-compassion is a fundamental quality for caregivers, associated with improved psychological and emotional wellbeing, increased social connectedness, and greater life satisfaction.

It is also said to help combat stress, anxiety and depression.

Owning pets may protect against memory loss, study shows

However, a large number of reports show that the mental health of nurses is deteriorating year after year, owing to their working conditions and the stressful nature of their profession.

Pets could, therefore, provide relief and improve their quality of life, just as they do with the patients they interact with in hospitals or nursing homes that practise pet therapy.

Stil, this research has limitations, given that it is essentially based on self-reported information.

“Our findings support the idea that pet ownership is associated with self-compassion, but the mechanisms by which pet attachment and self-compassion interact need to be further investigated,” the scientists point out.

Benefits of having a pet and some surprising science behind it | CNN

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