According to the current strategy of the Ministry of Health of our country, only patients with severity level 2B or above need to go to the COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC) or a nearby hospital for further examination.
Patients in levels 1 and 2A do not need to go to the COVID-19 Assessment Centre, if they are under the age of 60 and do not have any chronic diseases; instead, they need to conduct home isolation using the Health Assessment Tool (HAT) in the mobile app MySejahtera.
During the period of home isolation, these mildly ill patients need to answer 20 questions about their own health through MySejahtera’s HAT twice a day, so that the Online COVID-19 Assessment Centre (Virtual CAC) can supervise them according to their status.
However, according to data from the authorities, as many as 45% to 55% of the confirmed patients did not have MySejahtera’s Health Assessment Tool (HAT) to answer questions about their personal health issues, making it impossible for the ministry to identify their disease category of these patients have and whether they need help.
In this regard, the online assessment centre will make a robocall to remind patients who are unwilling to answer their own health status through the Health Assessment Tool (HAT) on MySejahtera every day to remind them to answer the question.
The Ministry of Health also reminds confirmed patients to truthfully answer their own health questions through HAT before 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm each day, so that the authorities can monitor and grasp the patient’s health.