
Civil servants are the big winners in the Budget 2023 again as they can get RM2,500 next year!


Civil servants can get RM2500 in 2023!

Civil servants are again big winners in the Budget 2023!

For a total of RM2,500 in extra compensation, the Budget 2023 provides public officials a 3-day benefit period that includes special financial assistance of RM700, an Eid al-Fitr bonus of RM600, and a monthly wage boost of RM100.

1.3 million federal personnel in lower grades will receive RM 700 in Bantuan Khas Kewangan. This unique financial assistance will be given to civil personnel in January 2023. One million retired civil personnel are eligible for a special financial aid package worth RM350.

Additionally, in March 2023, an RM600 Eid al-Fitr bonus would be awarded to civil personnel as well.Additionally, starting January 2023, civil servants in grades 11 to 56 would receive an additional RM100 per month compensation rise. Consider a scenario in which an 11th-grade civil servant makes RM1,600 per month and receives a pay raise of RM80 the next year. However, the government will also add a pay raise of RM100, making the civil servant’s monthly pay RM1,780. Up until the next year, the monthly wage will remain in effect.

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