According to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, the SHMKM scheme will end next month and consumers are urged to prepare for an increase in the price of broiler chickens and eggs. The government implemented the SHMKM from December 7 to 31 last year, and then announced an extension until February 4.
Under the Malaysian One Price Plan, live chickens, standard chickens, super chickens, eggs, long beans, red peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage are not allowed to be sold above the ceiling price. Any business that sells above the ceiling price will be dealt with by the Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs.

However, the Malaysian price ceiling scheme has also caused problems for businesses, some of whom are facing rising costs but are unable to increase the price of their products. This situation is most notable in the chicken industry, operators continue to suffer losses in the past few months.
Once the Malaysian One Price Plan ends next month, the prices of broiler chickens and eggs will return to market prices, so there could be significant price increases. Consumers can be prepared for this.