
Check which mobile phone your Hong Leong Bank account is bound to and whether it is logged in by an unfamiliar device


Check which mobile device your Hong Leong Bank account is connected to and whether a suspicious device is attempting to log in your account.

People are terrified that they will be the next victim of the theft of bank money that has been happening recently. Here’s how to find out which mobile phones your Hong Leong Bank account is linked to if you have one.

In March of this year, Hong Leong Bank began to roll out the AppAuthorise feature, which will replace SMS TAC and allow consumers to immediately verify the transaction through a pop-up window while making bank transactions.

Users must first tie their mobile devices to their accounts in order to use the AppAuthorise function. To guarantee the security of their bank accounts, people are asked to look up the mobile devices to which their accounts are linked.

Users can launch the HLB Connect APP, log in, and then access the Menu. Next, choose Devices & Notifications and App Settings. Which phones are associated with the account will be shown by the system.

If you discover that your account is linked to an unknown mobile device, you can manually unlink it and instantly change the login password. You can also decide to unbind your previous phone if it’s still linked to the HLB Connect APP.

Verify the mobile devices to which your Hong Leong Bank account is connected.

Step 1: Open the HLB Connect APP and log in.

Step 2: Enter Menu.

Step 3: Click on App Settings.

Step 4: Select Devices & Notifications.

Step 5: The system will show which mobile devices are connected to your account.

Step 6: You can manually unbind a device if you found that your acccount is connected to an unknown mobile device.

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