7 Levels to Financial Independence You’ll see how many months it will take to save 10%, 15%, 20%, or 30% of your income to reach each...
READ MOREHealth benefits of cold shower
Jan 18, 2022 | Tips & Tricks
Is taking a cold shower good for your health? Warm showers are preferred by many individuals over chilly showers. Cold water, on the other...
READ MOREBathing is not only about getting your body clean, it can also bring many health benefits! Especially cold showers!
Jan 17, 2022 | Tips & Tricks
Many people feel that showering seems a bit of a hassle. But did you know that showering can bring many health benefits? Promote blood...
READ MOREInverter or non-inverter refrigerator? Which will save you more for long term?
Jan 15, 2022 | Deals, Lifestyle, Tips & Tricks
In recent years, inverter and non-inverter have become popular trends in home appliances. This concept was first applied to air conditioners,...
READ MOREVaccinated MSJ is not showing the vaccine certificate, the Ministry of Health will teach you how to solve this problem!
Jan 13, 2022 | Hot News, Tips & Tricks
Have you been vaccinated and MySejahtera still doesn’t have an electronic vaccine certificate? The Ministry of Health will tell you how...
READ MORETNG card that is about to expire? Follow these steps to get a refund!
Jan 13, 2022 | Domestic, Tips & Tricks
If you have a TNG card that is about to expire but you are too late to use up the balance, you can follow the steps below to refund money from...
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