
Burger King Malaysia announces the launch of a “Menu of Love” program with only RM5.


In order for people to cope with the rising cost of living, the government has also indicated that it will continue to take various measures to help the people, especially the B40 low-income group. According to The Star, the Minister of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living, Salahuddin, launched the “Menu of Love” program last week to allow low-income groups to buy affordable meals at specific restaurants for RM5 or less! For example, white rice, one meat (chicken or fish) and one dish can be bought for only RM5. To date, this “Love Menu” program has received many restaurant operators and associations to respond, even Burger King fast food restaurants!

In response to the government’s “Love Menu” program, Burger King has announced the launch of an RM5 burger package for the public to get a burger at a low price! There are two types of packages, people can choose one chicken burger + one bottle of drinking water @ RM5.00 or one beef burger + one bottle of drinking water @ RM5.00 to enjoy, isn’t it a great deal?

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