Are you facing difficulties in repaying the loan? You can apply to your respective bank to participate in URUS replacement assistance.
To reduce the living burden of low-income groups, B50 low-income groups can participate in financial management and flexibility plans (URUS). Through this plan, borrowers can waive loan interest for 3 months, reduce monthly installments for up to 24 months, and lower loan interest rates.
However, the application conditions for URUS are very strict, that is, the applicant must be an unemployed person or a person whose income has decreased by at least 50%. The applicant must also be a person in financial difficulties.
Applicants can get loan interest exemption for 3 months, and the exemption interest starts from the first month after joining the program. Applicants can also get a 3-month loan interest waiver, plus a reduction in installment payments for up to 24 months, and a reduction in loan interest rates.
Eligible persons can apply through their respective banks from November 15, 2021, to January 31, 2022.
The banking industry estimates that only 20% of borrowers meet the application requirements, instead of the 50% of borrowers predicted by the government.