
BKM distribution in 2023


2023 BKM distribution

The government has announced up to RM3,000 in BKM help!

In his Budget address to Parliament on October 7, Finance Minister Tunku Zafrul stated that the government would provide assistance up to RM3,000 through the Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia (BKM) programme.

A subsidy of RM2,500 would be given to households with five or more children with a monthly income of no more than RM2,500. RM1,000 to RM2,000 would be given for households with 1 to 4 children and a monthly income of no more than RM2,500.

Depending on the number of children, families with a monthly income of RM2,501 to RM5,000 will receive ranging from RM500 to RM1,250. Seniors who are single may receive RM600. A further RM500 is available to single parents with a monthly income of up to RM3,000. Singles receive RM 350.

Additionally, users of BKM aid who become pregnant in 2023 would receive an additional RM 500 in assistance.

BKM aid disbursement amount in 2023
1. Families with more than five children and monthly incomes of not more than RM2,500: RM2,500
2. Families with 1 to 4 children and monthly incomes of RM2500 or less: RM1,000 to RM2,000
3. Families making between RM2501 and RM5000 per month: RM500 and RM1,250
4. Seniors without partners: RM600
5. Additional RM500 for single parents with monthly incomes under RM3,000.
6. Singles earning not more than RM 2,500 per month: RM 350

Additional financial details:
1. A RM150 startup credit
2. RM 150 in-wallet incentive
3. i-Saraan RM300

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