
BKM beneficiary can send a representative to collect payment at BSN.


If the beneficiary is unable to collect the payment in person at BSN, he/she can send a representative to collect the payment. However, the representative must bring relevant supporting documents with him/her and must be the representative (Wakil) that the recipient has indicated when applying BKM.

The representative (Wakil) must bring four documents with him/her when collecting the payment, namely the beneficiary’s Mycard (original or copy), the representative’s Mycard, a document proving the relationship between the representative and the beneficiary, and a document proving that the beneficiary is unable to collect the payment in person at BSN.

In the case of documents proving the relationship between the representative and the beneficiary, parent can collect the payment for their child, but must bring the child’s birth certificate with them. The spouse can also collect the benefit for the recipient, i.e. by bringing the marriage certificate or the child’s birth certificate. A child can help a parent to receive assistance by bringing his or her own birth certificate to the BSN.

If a sibling is collecting for the recipient, he or she must bring the recipient’s birth certificate and his or her own birth certificate. Grandchildren are required to bring their own birth certificate and their parent’s birth certificate when they help the recipient to receive assistance.

Next, the representative will need to bring documents proving that the recipient is unable to collect the benefit in person at the BSN, or if the recipient is working in a foreign country, documents from the employer. If the beneficiary is receiving treatment in hospital, then proof of hospitalisation is required. If the beneficiary has a mobility impairment, then documentation is required to prove that the beneficiary has a mobility impairment, such as a doctor’s statement, medical statemente, etc.

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