Attention Public Bank depositors! Public Bank will adopt the new FPX login page from October 6.
According to news from Public Bank, Public Bank’s FPX login page will adopt a new design, and the new measures will take effect from October 6, 2023.
If you use Public Bank’s FPX service after October 6 and find that the FPX login page is different from the past, you don’t need to be nervous. This is because Public Bank has adopted the new FPX login page.
Public Bank’s new FPX login page is more concise, that is, it only has the Public Bank logo and the FPX login column. In the past, there were some anti-fraud notices and links to other functions of Public Bank.
If you find that the Personal Login Phrase or PLP displayed when logging in to your account is incorrect, you should be more vigilant and do not continue to enter your login password. You can call your bank’s hotline for help.