
Attention! JKJAV warns that you can’t do these 6 kinds of exercises within one week after receiving the vaccine.


Attention, everyone! After vaccination, you can’t do strenuous exercise, and you can’t exercise for a week. Jawatanluasa Khas Jaminan Akses Bekalan Vaksin (JKJAV) posted on the official Facebook, advising people to avoid strenuous exercise after vaccination against coronavirus, especially these sports!

Exercise that cannot be done after vaccination:

  1. Swimming 
  2. Bicycles
  3. Running
  4. Weightlifting
  5. Play football
  6. The sport of using a racket

Except for the above six sports which are not recommended, all vigorous sports should be temporarily stopped. Everyone must be obedient and don’t hurt their bodies!

In addition, if you have these conditions after vaccination, such as shortness of breath, palpitations, acute chest pain and so on, go to a nearby hospital or clinic for medical treatment quickly!

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