
ASNB Fund Dividend Payout Dates Available for Chinese


ASNB, when you hear this name, you will think that it is a fund that only indigenous people can buy. In fact, there are 11 funds under ASNB that can be purchased by Chinese people.


The funds under ASNB are ASM, ASM 2 Wawasan, ASM 3, ASN, ASN Equity Global, ASN Equity 2, ASN Equity 3, ASN Equity 5, ASN Imbang 1, ASN Imbang 2, ASN Imbang 3 Global, ASN Sara 1, ASN Sara 2, ASB, ASB 2, ASB 3 Didik.


Among the many funds, ASM, ASM 2 Wawasan, ASM 3, ASN Equity Global, ASN Equity 3, ASN Equity 5, ASN Imbang 1, ASN Imbang 2, ASN Imbang 3 Global , ASN Sara 1, ASN Sara 2 are all available for Chinese to purchase.


The price of ASM, ASM 2 Wawasan and ASM 3 are fixed which is RM1 per unit, while the price of ASN Equity Global, ASN Equity 3, ASN Equity 5, ASN Imbang 1, ASN Imbang 2, ASN Imbang 3 Global, ASN Sara 1, ASN Sara 2 follow the market. The price of Sara 2 fluctuates with the market and is subject to a 5% commission. Therefore, it is recommended to buy ASM, ASM 2 Wawasan and ASM 3.


The interest settlement date for ASM is March 31 every year, for ASM 2 Wawasan it is August 31 every year, and for ASM 3 it is September 30 every year.


In fact, these National Trusts are open all year round and you have the opportunity to buy in whenever other holders sell their holdings. However, usually the bankers are impatient and afraid of trouble and will tell you that they are not open. If you meet a good banker, they will be patient and help you try.


Here we suggest that you can choose to go to the branch offices of ASNB at each location for account opening or deposit. You can also choose to go to Maybank, CIMB Bank, RHB, Pos Malaysia for processing.


Dividend payout date of each major fund

Fixed price.

ASM: March 31

ASM 2 Wawasan: August 31

ASM 3: September 30

Floating price.

ASN Equity 3: March 31

ASN Equity 5: September 30

ASN Equity Global: December 31

ASN Imbang 1: November 30

ASN Imbang 2: March 31

ASN Imbang 3 Global: December 31

ASN Sara 1: March 31

ASN Sara 2: September 30

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