For all of you ASM, ASM 2 Wawasan and ASM 3 investors, do you know where your money is invested?
ASM, ASM 2 Wawasan and ASM 3 are all funds under the umbrella of the National Trust (ASNB) and these funds are open for purchase and investment by all Malaysians. These funds are open all year round and you can buy units in the fund whenever an investor sells units in the fund.
ASM’s annual report as of March 31, 2022 shows that ASM has a total of 567,904 unitholders and 82.42% of ASM’s funds are invested in the stock market, 1.74% in ETFs, 6.72% in fixed income instruments and 9.12% in other areas.
9.42% of ASM funds are invested in Maybank, 5.13% in CIMB, 4.88% in Public Bank, 4.55% in Tenaga and 4.32% in Sime Darby Plantation.
According to the ASM 2 Wawasan annual report released on August 31, 2021, the fund has 897,145 investors with 82.49% of their money invested in the stock market, 1.89% in ETFs, 9.9% in fixed income instruments and 5.67% in other areas.
The top 10 listed companies in which ASM 2 Wawasan Fund invests are Maybank, CIMB, Tenaga, Sime Darby, Public Bank, Petronas Chemicals, Axiata, Petronas Gas, Telekom and Maxis.
For ASM 3, this fund has a total of 520,038 investors, with 85.76% of the money invested in the stock market, 1.29% in ETFs, 6.89% in fixed income instruments and 6.06% in other areas.
The top 10 companies invested in this fund are Maybank, Petronas Gas, Perodua, Axiata, CIMB, Tenaga, Telekom, Digi, Sime Darby Plantation and RHB.
(Note: No buy, sell or investment advice)