
An epidemic of vaping in schools


Parents and educators are becoming increasingly concerned about vapes and e-cigarettes because they are now so readily available online that even teenagers can purchase them. Internet searches have discovered that these products were offered for sale on both the websites of individual vape sellers and well-known e-commerce platforms. The average transaction value is less than RM40, and there are no limitations. Buyers aren’t even questioned about whether they are at least 18 years old.
Stakeholders stated that the growing trend of smoking and vaping among teenagers enrolled in school is the reason the proposed Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Bill 2023 should be passed as soon as possible. Senior education officer and anti-smoking activist NV Subbarow of the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) reported that he had received complaints from educators who had taken students’ vaping devices away. “Now, things are spiralling out of hand. Pupils store their vaporizers in their backpacks. Numerous people have acknowledged purchasing them online.
Subbarow stated that the bill was a “emergency Bill” and that “CAP urges the Health Ministry and Parliament to treat this Bill with urgency.” According to secretary-general of the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP), Fouzi Singon, schools conduct routine inspections and take appropriate action in accordance with current regulations, such as providing counselling and warnings.What matters, according to him, is how parents raise their kids to avoid developing these bad habits. “Family education factors and how parents nurture and determine their children’s self-discipline are closely related to all of this,” the speaker stated.
Aminuddin Awang, the president of NUTP, stated that vaping is becoming more common among students and that even elementary school students are experimenting with it. He expressed NUTP’s disappointment with the bill’s delayed introduction and insisted that the sale and promotion of vapes must be strictly prohibited right away. “This is to make sure that smoking products, which contain addictive nicotine, are not available to school students,” Aminuddin stated. “Children’s mental and emotional development will be impacted by early nicotine exposure, which will also have an impact on their academic performance.”
Datuk Dr. Mohamad Ali Hasan, president of the National Parent-Teacher Associations Consultative Council, demanded increased school-based campaigns and billboards opposing smoking and vaping. To make sure that smoking and vaping are not occurring in schools, spot checks must be conducted throughout the grounds, particularly in the restrooms and washrooms, as well as on school bags. Additionally, educators need to lead by example. Teachers who are found to be smoking or vaping must face systemic consequences, which may include counselling. “Parent-teacher associations’ members and former students must assist the authorities in making sure stores close to schools don’t sell cigarettes to students,” he stated. According to Muhammad Ali, people found vaping should face fines and penalties.

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