
According to the Works Ministry, multi-lane free flow will be available by 2025 to ease congestion at toll plazas.


There will be multi-lane free flow by 2025 to reduce congestion at toll plazas.

By 2025, the Works Ministry (KKR) will implement the Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) nonstop toll collection system in an effort to ease traffic at toll plazas.

Senior Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof stated that the Cabinet had approved the plan and that with the implementation of MLFF, motorists would no longer be required to stop and pay tolls because boom barriers would not be there.

The following step is to discuss the implementation plan with each toll concession company in order to make it convenient for highway users. Then, we’ll investigate how to connect the MLFF system, where we’ll set up a command centre run by the Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) that must be connected to all local governments or cities.

This occurred today during a meeting with the media that Deputy Works Minister Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup also attended. One of the projects included in KKR’s Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Master Plan 2019–2023, which was created to enhance road user safety and propel the development of IPS applications in the nation, is the MLFF.

Additionally, KKR has begun the process of creating a weigh-in-motion vehicle weight scale to identify overloaded lorries that may create traffic jams and road damage. Automatic load limit detection was intended, and the company or owners of the vehicles would be instantly sued.

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