Terrible wife murder in Paris, France! In February, a guy called the police to report that his wife was gone. After that, someone found his wife’s mutilated body in the park, shocking everyone around! Recent pressure from the police led to the man’s confession that he killed his wife.
East of Paris, in France, the incident happened. The implicated man has three children and has been married to his wife for 26 years. After publicizing the news of his wife’s missing on social media this month, he informed authorities that his wife was missing.
Many workers found a strange plastic bag in Chaumont Park in Paris on February 13 (Monday), which contained a woman’s leg and other body parts. The following day, the police searched. The head and other body parts of the same person were found one after another during the search operation. The body part was identified by fingerprint analysis as belonging to the man’s missing wife.
The man’s claims were discovered to be conflicting during the course of the police investigation, which led them to believe he was the murderer.
Finally, on Thursday, March 23, the police arrested the man, who later admitted to having killed his wife.