The Ministry of Health in Khairy announced several new SOPs on epidemic prevention at a press conference today (April 27).
Confirmed patients who meet “1 condition” can end their quarantine early!
Currently, the quarantine period for confirmed patients in China is 7 days, but now the quarantine can be ended as long as the confirmed patient goes to the clinic in person or online on the 4th day of the quarantine to take the RTK test under the supervision of a medical professional, and if the test result is negative.
Conversely, if the test result is positive, the quarantine will need to continue until the 7th day.
Outdoor masks are no longer mandatory, but ……
As of May 1, it is no longer mandatory for people to wear masks outdoors in the country, but Carey stressed that the Ministry of Health still encourages people to wear masks to avoid the spread of the virus. In addition, the government requires people to maintain a distance of one meter when not wearing a mask to ensure that the risk of transmission is minimized.
The Ministry of Health encourages the following groups to wear masks when outdoors.
People with symptoms
In crowded areas such as Ramadan market, night markets, stadiums
High risk groups – unvaccinated, immunocompromised, elderly (especially over 60 years old), and those with complications
The wearing of masks is still mandatory when indoors or when using public transportation, including taxis.
Nightclubs and nightclubs can reopen
As of May 15, there will no longer be a “negative list” in the SOPs issued by the National Safety Council (MKN). This means that nightclubs and clubs that have been on the “negative list” since the outbreak can reopen as of May 15.
At the same time, the National Safety Council is currently preparing SOPs for the operation of related areas.
No more scanning MySejahtera cards from May 1
From May 1, people will no longer need to scan MySejahtera when entering public places, but Carey stressed that the MySejahtera app still has its function, so people do not need to uninstall the app.