
Auspicious time table for saving money in the beginning of spring in 2024.


February 4th is the Beginning of Spring. There is a custom in Singapore and Malaysia that is to go to the bank to deposit money on the Beginning of Spring. It is said that depositing money in the bank on the first day of spring will bring abundant wealth.

The Beginning of Spring falls on February 3 or 4 every year. In 2024, the Beginning of Spring begins at 4:27 pm on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month (February 4 in the Gregorian calendar). At this time, heaven and earth meet and the three suns bloom.

The beginning of spring is the first of the twenty-four solar terms in the lunar calendar. The beginning of spring is astronomically divided. In nature and in people’s minds, spring means the wind is warm and the sun is warm, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. Spring also means the growth of all things. Farmers sowing.

You can take advantage of the arrival of the beginning of spring, choose an auspicious time that suits your zodiac sign, and go to the bank to deposit an auspicious number that suits your zodiac sign, so that you can achieve good fortune in the coming year.

In the table of auspicious times for saving money at the beginning of spring compiled by Feng Shui master Bao Yifan, each zodiac sign has a period of prosperity for positive wealth and a period of prosperity for partial wealth. The so-called positive wealth refers to legitimate business, salary and labor income. As for partial wealth, it includes lottery tickets, 10,000 words, investment income, etc. If you want both positive and partial wealth to be prosperous, you can choose to go to the bank to save money at the auspicious time of your zodiac sign during these two periods.

Notice! Each Feng Shui master has compiled a different list of auspicious times and auspicious numbers for saving money in the beginning of spring in 2024. You can make your own arrangements. What I want to reiterate here is that no matter whether it is trustworthy or not, saving money in the beginning of spring is for good intentions and peace of mind. There is nothing in the world that comes without hard work. With the arrival of the new year, everyone should work hard.

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