
Colombia 28 female students playing “Ouija board” fainted with group anxiety and sent to hospital



A strange accident happened at a school in the Colombian department of Sucre, and “students were in a coma.” Twenty-eight female students were sent to the hospital unconscious, one after the other, after they were thought to have used an “Ouija board” to talk to spirits at school. The school is still waiting for the exact diagnosis. The school is still waiting for the precise diagnosis, so don’t make any guesses about what’s going on.

Foreign media say that the strange event happened in northern Colombia, in Galeras. Students at a local school were playing a game called “Ouija board,” similar to the more well-known Ouija board. Eventually, up to 28 female students fainted and were hospitalized.

It is said that these students have been taken to the local municipal hospital to get their health checked out. The school director and teachers will also be there, and the student’s parents have been told about the situation.

Even though the hospital hasn’t told the public what’s wrong, parents blame the mass coma on the Ouija board game.

The mother of one student who works at the hospital said she sees at least four or five students in a coma daily. She said that parents need to work together to find out what is going on at the school and that she is sure the kids are eating well and cannot believe it is because they are malnourished.

In response, school principal Torres sent a video explaining that 28 students had anxiety simultaneously and that some community members had started spreading rumors. He stressed that spreading rumors would not solve the problem but would hurt both sides.

He said the school is waiting for the medical diagnosis to be made public before giving more accurate information.

There’s no way to know if the police were involved in the investigation, and the hospital is still trying to figure out where the illness came from.

It is thought that the psychic board started in the United States in 1886. It is a way for living people and the spirit world to talk to each other. It looks like a flat wooden board with letters (or words), numbers, and other symbols. A pointer is used to move across the board and figure out what the dead are trying to say.

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