
Latest exchange rates between Malaysian and foreign currencies for December 3!


Are you planning to travel abroad in the near future? Then here is the latest exchange rate for Malaysian and foreign currencies as of December 3, 2022.

According to the latest exchange rates from money changers in Selangor, RM4.39 to USD1, RM3.244 to SGD1 and RM32.18 to JPY1,000.

For the Thai baht, the exchange rate is RM12.65 for 100 baht or RM12.77 for 100 baht. For the Renminbi, the exchange rate is RM62.06 for 100 yuan or RM62.55 for 100 yuan. For the Korean Won, RM3.446 is equivalent to 1,000 Korean Won.

Attention! The exchange rates offered by each money changer will vary, here are the exchange rates from the money changers in Seremban.

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