
The Election Commission issued a statement stating that mobile phones are not allowed to be used when voting at voting booths!


Phones are not allowed to be used when voting at voting booths!

Don’t bring your cell phone to the polling place!

Voters are not permitted to bring mobile phones to polling stations, according to a statement issued by the Malaysian Election Commission (SPR). At polling stations, the Election Committee will post notices and posters prohibiting the use of mobile phones.

Voters must go to a specific location after picking up their ballots to hand over their mobile phones before proceeding to the voting area. After dropping the ballot into the ballot box, voters can only retrieve their phones from the location where they were submitted.

The Election Commission’s new policy prohibits voters from photographing and revealing their ballot papers. The Election Commission stated that ballots are confidential and that voters must follow the Election Commission’s rules.

If you take pictures of the voting cards, you may be violating the Electoral Offences Act of 1954.

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