How to check Mykad’s TNG balance?
Does your MyKad act as a Touch ‘n Go card as well? Do you know how to check the MyKad’s TNG balance?
You can choose to bind the MyKad to the Touch ‘n Go eWallet in order to check the balance of the MyKad Touch ‘n Go Card directly through the Touch ‘n Go eWallet and every transaction can be tracked.
You must first obtain the MyKad Touch ‘n Go Card’s serial number (card/device serial no.) before you can tie the MyKad to the Touch ‘n Go eWallet. You can first top up your MyKad; just make sure you get a top-up receipt. The receipt will contain the MyKad MFG/Serial No. for the MyKad Touch ‘n Go Card.
Once the Touch ‘n Go eWallet is open, you can tap to see the TNG Card feature and select to add a new TNG Card. To finish tying the Malaysia Card Touch ‘n Go Card to the Touch ‘n Go eWallet, enter the serial number from the receipt and then enter the SMS TAC verification code you received.
Remember to verify the expiration date and use up the balance on the Malaysian Touch ‘n Go Card before that date.