Public Mutual declares dividends for five funds (financial year ended Sept 30)
Public Mutual disclosed a RM103 million dividend among five funds.
Public Enterprises Bond Fund paid 2.75 sen per unit, Public Islamic Global Equity Fund paid 2.50 sen per unit, and Public e-Flexi Allocation Fund paid 2.00 sen per unit for the fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2022.
The PB SmallCap Growth Fund paid 0.50 sen per unit, while the Public Islamic Advantage Growth Equity Fund paid 0.40 sen per unit.
One of Public Mutual’s money market funds (MMFs), the Public e-Cash Deposit Fund (Class A), paid 0.19 sen per unit in September.
Public Mutual, which oversees more than 170 trust funds, is the largest private trust organisation in the nation.