If you’re planning to buy a new Perodua Myvi, do you know how much you’ll have to pay for maintenance each time you return to the factory?
As the saying goes, it’s easy to buy a car and hard to maintain it. In addition to paying the monthly mortgage payments, you need to return to the factory for maintenance when you reach a certain number of miles. The maintenance items that you need to change include oil, oil filter, labor cost, etc.
The website of Perodua has a clear list of maintenance costs for each mileage. Owners can refer to the maintenance cost listed on the website when they return for maintenance.
According to the website, the cost of a return service is RM161.30 to RM168.50 for 10,000km mileage and RM268.70 to RM280.10 for 20,000km mileage.
If you do not return to the factory for maintenance, your Perodua Myvi may lose its warranty.
Here is a list of official Perodua Myvi maintenance costs. The cost is different for both East and West Malaysia.