
2 groups need to receive booster shots by March 31, otherwise MSJ will become incomplete!


Attention people over 60 years of age and over 18 years of age who have received the Sinovac vaccine! You must get your booster shot by March 31 or MySejahtera will show an incomplete vaccination status.


Minister of Health Kerry pointed out at a press conference at 5pm on February 24 that people of legal age over 60 who have received their first two doses of any brand of vaccine must receive a booster by March 31, 2022, otherwise the vaccination status on the MySejahtera APP will be incomplete.


For those who are 18 years of age or older and have received their first two doses of Coxin vaccine, you must also receive a booster before March 31, or your vaccination status on MySejahtera will also become incomplete.


The Ministry of Health originally announced that people over the age of 60 and people over the age of 18 who received the Coxin vaccine must receive the booster by February 28, but so far there are still many people who do not want to receive the booster, so the Ministry has to extend this measure until March 31.


A new wave of the epidemic has begun in the country, and people are being urged to get vaccinated to form a stronger immune barrier.

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