Qualified persons can register for the booster dose at private medical institutions from now on!
According to the information issued by the Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force — Booster (CITF-B), people can go to private medical institutions to register for priority inoculation of booster dose from November 22. Once there is a surplus of booster doses from relevant medical institutions, medical institutions will give priority to those who have registered.
The booster dose will be given priority to frontline personnel in health, security, and national defense, people 40 years of age or older, people over 18 years of age with comorbidities, residents or staff of long-term health care centers, pregnant women, and those who need to go abroad.
If you need to vaccinate in advance or miss an earlier vaccination appointment, you can also go directly to a specific private medical institution to register. People who have not received the first or second dose of vaccine can also register directly.
Want to know which private medical institutions near you provide registered booster vaccines? You can browse https://vaksincovid.protecthealth.com.my/find and click Cari after selecting the state and region. The system will display a detailed list.
People who have been vaccinated with Pfizer for 6 months can get a booster, and people who have been vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine for 3 months can also get a booster. People are urged to receive booster vaccines to get better protection, protect themselves and their relatives and friends.