
It’s fine to drink coffee every day if you don’t become addicted! [Health Benefits of Coffee]


Coffee is one of many popular beverages all over the world. Regardless of the country, coffee consumption is generally high, especially in South Korea, where the average coffee consumption of an adults is 353 cups annually, that is, at least acup of coffee a day. Although drinking coffee can affect your sleep quality and even cause acid reflux, yet, as long as you take in the right amount of coffee, it can also bring some benefits for our health, especially black coffee without sugar or cream. Today I will let you know about the health benefits of drinking coffee~


According to the Harvard University of Public Health research team, women who drink 8 ounces (approximately 227 milliliters) of coffee a day will tend to lower the risk of depression with 20%. This is because the caffeine of coffee will affects huma’s brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. In addition, every 8-ounce of coffee contains 200 mg of caffeine, and studies have shown that this amount of caffeine can improve long-term memory.

[Heart and liver]

Coffee also has positive effect on the heart and liver. Daily intake around 200-300 mg of caffeine can increase blood flow during rest time and allow the heart to perform better. In addition, some studies have shown that drinking about 2 cups of coffee a day can help to prevent liver diseases such as cirrhosis.

[Prevent diabetes and gout]

Coffee also has a good effect on preventing diabetes and gout. According to the results of 28 studies which Harvard University research team investigated, drinking coffee can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 33%. In addition, men who drinks coffee every day will tend to have 59% reduction in the risk of gout as coffee has the effect of lowering the blood uric acid index.

People who should avoid coffee

For those with acid reflux, gastrointestinal discomfort, and poor sleep quality, it is better not to drink coffee or limit the intake of coffee to only consuming a small cup of coffee a day. In addition, pregnant women should also avoid drinking coffee as it will increase the risk of miscarriage. People with heart disease, high blood pressure and osteoporosis should also pay attention to the amount of coffee they drink. If you find that your state suddenly becomes restless or you have trouble to have good sleeping, heart palpitations, etc., you have to be aware of the amount of coffee you take!


If you love coffee, remember to control your daily coffee intake so that your favorite coffee can bring benefits to your health!

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