
80% of Malaysian teenagers have received their first dose! Khairy: One of the fastest countries in the world


KUALA LUMPUR(Oct22)- Health Minister Khairy says Malaysia is one of the fastest vaccinating countries in the world for teenagers.

He said 80 percent of our teenagers aged 12 to 17 have received at least one dose of Pfizer’s vaccine in less than two months.

“So, Malaysia is now one of the fastest adolescent Covid-19 vaccination rollouts in the world.”

“Thank you, @DrNoorAzmi (Deputy Health Minister Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali), @DrMahHS (Deputy Education Minister Dr Mah Hang Soon) and everyone at CITF-A. #LindungDiriLindungSemua,” he said in a Twitter post today.

According to the Ministry of Health, a total of 1,367,216 (43.4%) adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 had completed their vaccination as of Oct. 21 and 1,156,940 or 36.8% of adolescents had received one dose of the vaccine. Leaving 623,344 or 19.8% of the teenagers.

For adults over 18 years of age, a total of 22,084,594 adults (94.3%) have been vaccinated to date. Another 700,832 or 3.0% have received a single dose of vaccine. Leaving 1,113,317 or 4.8% of adults unvaccinated.

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