
7 things to keep in mind when voting in the general election!


The 15th national election will be held on November 19. Here are 7 things to keep in mind when voting in the general election.

1. Voting hours

The polling hours are from 8am to 6pm in Peninsular Malaysia, and from 7:30am to 5:30pm in Sabah and Sarawak.

2. Polling locations
Voters are urged to check their polling locations online first to avoid going to the wrong polling locations and affecting their voting mood. Voters can visit https://mysprsemak.spr.gov.my/ to find their polling place.

3. Dress Code
There is no restriction on the dress code and voters are allowed to enter the polling center as long as they are dressed appropriately. Voters are permitted to wear flip-flops and shorts to the polling center. Voters may not bring or wear clothing or items with party logos into the polling center.

4. identification
Voters are urged to bring their Damascus cards to the polling centers. If a voter loses his or her Damascus card, then he or she may also bring his or her driver’s license, passport, temporary ID document issued by JPN or a receipt of the lost Damascus card document issued by JPN.

5. Use of cell phones
Voters are required to submit their cell phones before proceeding to the ballot box and will not be able to retrieve them until after they have put their ballot papers into the ballot box.

6. Ballot Paddling
Voters need to mark an X in the empty space of the candidate of their choice and do not scribble other symbols or signs.

7. Coronary Patients
Coronary patients can also vote, but they need to check in with officials immediately after arriving at the voting center, and officials will allow coronary patients to vote quickly and without waiting in line.

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