
58 new cases of Omicron in Malaysia, 4 local infections!!


Malaysia has 58 new cases of Omicron, 4 of which are local cases!


Minister of Health Khairy announced in a press release on January 4 that there are 58 new cases of Omicron variant in Malaysia, 54 of which are imported from abroad and 4 are local cases.


This means that there are now a total of 122 cases of Omicron in Malaysia, 117 of which are imported from abroad and 4 are local infections. Of the confirmed cases, 71 or 58.2% were from pilgrims.


Of the 58 new Omicron cases, 33 were asymptomatic, while the others were confirmed in the first and second stages. Of the 54 imported Omicron cases, 39 came back from Saudi Arabia, 7 from the United Arab Emirates, 4 from the United Kingdom, 2 from Nigeria, 1 from Kazakhstan and 1 from France.


The Ministry of Health is also testing the genetic sequences of other patients who may have the Omicron variant and will update the progress of Omicron cases from time to time.


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