
4 types of IC, do you understand the meaning of these IC?


I believe everyone is familiar with the Red Registration, which is the permit for permanent residents of Malaysia. Did you know that there are also “Green Registration” and “Grey Registration” in Malaysia?

The blue registration is called MyKad, while the red registration is called MyPR, the cyan registration is called MyKAS, and the grey registration is called MyTentera.

The general Malaysian IC (registration) is blue. People who hold a blue IC are full Malaysian citizens and are entitled to all the rights and benefits of Malaysians.

Those who hold a red IC are not Malaysian citizens, but they are allowed to live in Malaysia permanently. “Red Registration residents will not be able to enjoy some of the rights of Malaysians, including the right to vote.

In addition, people with a Cyan registration will be able to live in Malaysia temporarily, but will not be Malaysian citizens. Cyan registration will have to be renewed once every 5 years. Usually, people who are registered as Cyan are born in Malaysia, but their nationality cannot be determined.

As for the grey registration, also known as MyTentera, as the name implies, it is a military registration. Holders of the grey registration are Malaysian military personnel who are in service.

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