
4 hair care mistakes that 65% of girls made! Here is the secret to have beautiful hair!


In our daily life, there are many small habits that we need to be aware of for preventing damages to our hair. It says that 65% of people have made these hair care mistakes!
1. wide toothed-comb

Using a wide-toothed comb to comb your hair is highly recommended as it will protect your scalp better. People who used to use a fine-pointed comb will be having poor hair health. When combing hair, be gentle to protect your scalp.

2. Do not comb your wet hair

Many people comb their hair straight after washing their hair without drying it. This will leads to poor hair health because the hair is fragile and easily damaged when it is wet. It is recommended to comb your hair when your hair is half dry or completely dry.

3. Rub vigorously with a towel

Some people may use a towel to rub their hair casually after washing their hair. This is also one of the big mistakes of hair care. Doing so will cause your hair to break more easily! The correct way to dry your hair is to wrap the hair with a towel and gently tap the towel to absorb the water from the hair.

4. Learn to read the ingredients of shampoo

Some chemicals in the shampoo will damage our hair. When buying shampoo, we must pay attention to its ingredients. Do not buy shampoo containing silicone oil or paraben. It is best to choose a shampoo with sulfates.






Have you learned how to take care of your hair?

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