
3 signs on face of someone with sticky blood.


Blood is the body’s source of energy and is known as the “candle of life”, constantly delivering nutrients to the body’s cells. Once the blood starts to become sticky, the resistance to blood flow increases significantly. Not only does this interfere with the normal perfusion of the microcirculation, it can also lead to blockages in the blood vessels and cause a host of illnesses! People with sticky blood should therefore take care. People with sticky blood should therefore take note.

People with sticky blood will have 3 signs on their face. If a person does not have these signs, it means that the blood vessels are still open.

1. Blurred vision

Blurred vision is one of the more common signs of sticky blood. It occurs mainly because the blood is too viscous and the blood does not provide enough nutrients to the optic nerve, resulting in transient ischaemia and hypoxia to the optic nerve. This phenomenon is also known as “paroxysmal blurred vision”.

Therefore, if you normally have normal vision but suddenly experience short periods of blurred vision or even sudden difficulty seeing, be aware that thickened blood may be the cause.

2. Frequent drooling

The first thing to do is to rule out oral problems. If you don’t normally drool but suddenly experience drooling over a period of time, you should be aware. This is likely to be due to thickening of the blood, causing a blockage in the blood vessels.

At this point, it is important to look carefully to see if the drooling is unilateral or even if your mouth and eyes are crooked. If this is the case, it is best to go to the hospital for a check-up, as a stroke is likely to have occurred.

3. Purple lips

The lips of a normal healthy person are red and shiny. If they are purple, excluding cold weather and diet, it is important to pay attention to them.

This is because the lips only discolour when the blood is thick and reaches a certain level, mostly in the form of a “greenish-purple” colour. This condition is also known as “cyanosis” and is a classic sign of cardiovascular disease.

It is often accompanied by a slight loss of energy and shortness of breath from doing a little work.

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