
3-day long weekend holiday ends, when does the next public holiday fall?


The lively 3-day long holiday weekend is over! When will the next public holiday fall?


After the end of the 3-day Tu B’Shevat long weekend holiday, there is one last national long weekend holiday left in 2022, which is Christmas Day on December 25. Christmas Day is also the last national public holiday of the year.


Christmas Day in 2022 falls on Sunday, December 25. Since Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, Monday, December 26 will be a make-up holiday. If we add the weekly vacation on Saturday, December 24, this will make a 3-day long weekend.


However, it is important to note that the Christmas long weekend holiday does not apply to Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu. This is because Sunday is not a weekly vacation in these 4 states.


Before Christmas Day on December 25, there are several state specific public holidays such as the Sultan of Perak’s Birthday on November 4, the Sultan of Kelantan’s Birthday on November 11 and 12, the Sultan of Selangor’s Birthday on December 11 and the Christmas Eve holiday on December 24.


Since some of these state-specific public holidays fall on Fridays and some fall on Saturdays or Sundays, these states are entitled to long weekends off on these holidays.


Next public holidays

November 4 (Friday): Sultan of Perak’s Birthday (Perak only)
November 11 (Friday): Kelantan Sultan’s Birthday (Kelantan only)
November 12 (Saturday): The day after the birth of the Sultan of Kelantan (Kelantan only)
11 December (Sunday): Sultan of Selangor’s Birthday (Selangor only)
24 December (Saturday): Christmas Eve (Sabah only)
December 25 (Sunday): Christmas Day (National)

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